not meant to be lived in one place.”
Gentlemen’s Wisdom
writes: We
had been setting a pretty active pace the past month, so by mutual agreement we
felt we needed to find a quiet place for a little down-time around Christmas
and New Year’s. I needed to get started
on our annual Christmas letter, catch up on tardy blog posts, and finish making
my baby quilt for a special little guy who was due any day. Most importantly, we both wanted a quiet place
to spend the holidays, a place where we could escape the commercial excesses
that have come to be associated with the holiday season. Small military campgrounds have lots of
appeal to us. We have always appreciated
the excellent security of a gated community with all the conveniences of daily
life! We would see in the new year in
the small town of Ridgecrest, on the western flank of Death Valley, at the
Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake.
Our campsite sure had an awesome view of the
mighty Sierra Nevada Mountains in the distance!
After getting some tips from a very helpful lady
at the Ridgecrest Maturango Museum, much to our surprise, we discovered that there
were several noteworthy things to check out in the area. Uh-oh, what about that down-time I needed? The agreement was that I would get my quilt
and blog time on bad-weather days.
We were intrigued when we heard about the
Ridgecrest Wild Horse and Burro Facility on the edge of town.
In cooperation with the Naval Air Weapons Station
and Death Valley National Park, this facility is responsible for managing the
wild herds of horses and burros in the desert southwest. Roundups occur throughout the year in order
to give vaccinations and conduct checkups to evaluate the health of the animals. After roundup, the animals are slowly introduced
to domestic hay with the hope that as many as possible can eventually be
adopted out. The public is highly
encouraged to come on out and pet the animals through their corral fences so that
the animals can be acclimated to human interaction. That’s all I needed to hear to be quite
certain that I was going to get a much-needed “pet fix” here!
The burros were wary and wouldn’t come close,
The wild horses, on the other hand, practically
begged for attention; they trotted up to the fence with little hesitation.
I couldn’t tell if rolling on their backs in the dirt was done for a practical reason or if it was their way to grab our attention by acting out, “Hey, look at me!”
After leaving the horse and burro facility, we
headed out into the Mojave Desert to the Trona Pinnacles for a look at a most
unusual geologic wonder.
It takes a bit of imagination to realize that these
so-called tufa pinnacles of calcium carbonate, some as high as 140 feet, were
formed over 10,000 years ago under the surface of an ice age lake.
There was lots of open space out here, and one of
the more popular activities was riding cool-looking “dune buggies.”
It wasn’t hard to appreciate why so many science
fiction movies have been shot at Trona Pinnacles. Some of the movies include: Battlestar Galactica, Lost in Space, Planet of
the Apes, and Star Trek: The Final
One of my favorite movies this past summer starred
Reese Witherspoon and was titled “The Wild,” a story about a woman who hiked
the entire Pacific Crest Trail
from the Mexican to the Canadian border. For those who hike border-to-border, the 2600-mile trail offers an awesome and challenging personal adventure, one Al
has expressed interest in doing ever since I met him. I think conquests of that kind are sort of
behind us now, but a visit to the trail would be nice…
For access to the Pacific Crest Trail, we drove up
to Walker Pass.
Al reminded me that I actually hiked a section of
the Pacific Crest Trail when we did a 3-day overnight in the Sierra Nevada
wilderness shortly before we got married.
My recollection of those three days and nights of backpacking brings
back memories of numbing cold, unexpected snow, burnt mittens, yucky powdered
milk, nasty rehydrated food, and sore muscles I didn’t know I had. So, yeah, anyone who hikes the entire trail
has my utmost respect. I have always
playfully accused Al of planning three days and nights of backpacking in the
Sierras as my “trial by fire” before he actually proposed.
On the way back down gentle Walker Pass, we took
time to enjoy the uniqueness of a Joshua Tree forest!
Number One on our list of local attractions was
the National Historic Site called Manzanar,
where a shameful and cruel time in American
history played out as a result of an Executive Order signed by President
Franklin Roosevelt in February 1942. The
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor resulted in intense racial prejudice and fear
of sabotage by Japanese citizens living along the entire west coast. As a result, over 120,000 individuals of
Japanese ancestry were rounded up by federal officials and were herded into 10
war relocation centers established in remote, largely uninhabited areas
throughout seven states.
Over 11,000 persons of Japanese ancestry,
two-thirds of them American citizens by birth, were processed through Manzanar
from 1942 until closure in 1945. How
could something so monstrous and unjust occur at the foot of the glorious
Sierra Nevada mountains?
Incredibly, the internees tried to make the best
of their awful situation in a land of numbing winter cold and scorching summer heat. The fact that they had to leave all of their
possessions behind, except what they could carry, and were now prisoners behind
barbed wire and watch towers—in their own country—must have been
Once an auditorium, the Visitor Center is one of
the few original structures remaining.
This scale model of Manzanar’s 3 dozen blockhouses
and community buildings hits one over the head with how much it looks like the
prison that it was.
A couple of reconstructed blockhouses
provided an excellent representation of what daily
living was like with little individual space and no privacy.
How did the inhabitants of Manzanar find the
will to construct an elaborate 3-acre Japanese ornamental garden complete with ponds,
lovely bridges, flowers, fruit trees, and a gazebo? This cherished garden of peace and serenity,
long buried over the past seven decades under several feet of blowing sand, was
just in the early stage of restoration.
Of the 150 who died while imprisoned at Manzanar,
only 6 graves remain today. Most of the
deceased were cremated, or their gravesites were relocated by family over the
Al and I were moved by all that we read and saw at
Manzanar. One of the most powerful
displays in the old gymnasium was the wall with over
10,000 names of those who were imprisoned at Manzanar.
The question still keeps jumping out at me: Have we really learned any lessons?
The question still keeps jumping out at me: Have we really learned any lessons?
“We had about one week to dispose of what we
owned, except what we could pack and carry for our departure by bus… for
Manzanar.” William Hohri
Well I'm glad you passed the "trial by fire" or I wouldn't be here